United States Government: Democracy in Action © 2012 Georgia

Chapter 14: Citizenship and Equal Justice

Student Web Activities

All immigrants who want to become American citizens must go through naturalization. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is the federal agency that administers most of the naturalization process. Part of that process is taking a citizenship test. In this activity, you will see how many questions on this test you answer correctly.

Destination Title: New Naturalization Test

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• Click on "Education and Resources" in the bar near the top of the screen.
• Find and click on "Civics and Citizenship Study Materials" along the left side of the screen.
• Scroll to the bottom and click on "Redesigned (New) Naturalization Test: Civics (History and Government) Questions."
• Take the test, covering the answers as you do.

Use the information you found to answer the following questions.

What are the sections and subsections of the test?
Do you think these questions reflect the most important information new Americans should know about government? Why or why not?
How many questions did you answer correctly? What was the most difficult question?
Write three questions you think should have been included on the test but were not.
Print out a copy of the test and administer the test orally to family members. Total the number of people who answered each question correctly.
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