United States Government: Democracy in Action © 2012 Georgia

Chapter 14: Citizenship and Equal Justice

Student Web Activity Lesson Plans

All immigrants who want to become American citizens must go through naturalization. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is the federal agency that administers most of the naturalization process. Part of that process is taking a citizenship test. In this activity, students will see how many questions on this test they answer correctly.

Lesson Description
Students will explore the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Web site. They will take the new naturalization test, and then answer four questions about the test. Students will then administer the test to family members, and tabulate which questions were the most difficult to answer.

Instructional Objectives
  • Learners will identify the questions asked of immigrants in the process of becoming naturalized.
  • Learners will monitor their own knowledge of U.S. government, history, and civics.
  • Learners will consider new questions to add to the citizenship test.
Student Web Activity Answers
  1. The test is divided into these sections and subsections: American Government (Principles of American Democracy, System of Government, Rights and Responsibilities), American History (Colonial Period and Independence, 1800s, Recent American History and Other Important Historical Information), Integrated Civics (Geography, Symbols, Holidays).
  2. Answers will vary. Students should explain why they believe these questions do or do not reflect the most important information new Americans should know about government.
  3. Students should note the number of questions they completed correctly, and which question was the most difficult to answer.
  4. Students should write three questions to add to the test.
  5. Students' will compile the number of correct answers for each question. Encourage them to summarize which questions were most difficult to answer and why.
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