Managing Life Skills ©2011

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Practice Quizzes - Section 2

Which of the following statements is the least accurate?
A)Adjusting to parenthood is especially difficult for teens
B)Babies born to teen mothers are likely to be healthy
C)Premature means born before 37 weeks of development
D)Pregnancy causes problems for the father as well as the mother
What will a baby with low birth weight weigh?
A)Less than 5 pounds
B)Less than 7 pounds
C)Less than 3 pounds
D)Less than 4 pounds
What challenges do teen parents face?
A)Health risks
B)Education challenges
C)Financial issues
D)All the answers are challenges facing teen parents
Which of the following statements is the most accurate?
A)Pregnant teens have very few options
B)Good prenatal care is essential for teen mothers because of increased risks
C)Pregnant teens can wait to finish their education
D)Pregnancy decreases concerns about the future
What do you call an adoption in which the birth parents do not know the names of the adoptive parents?
A)Open adoption
B)Blind adoption
C)Closed adoption
D)Optional adoption
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