Managing Life Skills ©2011

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Practice Quizzes - Section 1

Which of the following is a responsibility of parenting?
A)Providing guidance
B)Seeing a baby's first smile
C)Experiencing pride
D)Seeing the world through a child's eyes
Which of the following ideas about parenthood is realistic for prospective parents?
A)Hoping the child will grow up to care for them when they are old
B)Expecting a child will make their relationship stronger
C)Because our parents want a grandchild
D)Being secure in who they are
Which of the following factors shows emotional readiness to be a parent?
A)Couples have the inner resources to put a child's needs ahead of their own
B)Couples have patience and self-control
C)Couples have the savings and income to care for a child
D)Couples are willing to delay their personal needs and wants
Which of the following characteristics would not be one that successful parents would display?
A)Management skills
B)Willingness to sacrifice
At what age are children generally happy and eager to please?
A)Eighteen months
B)Three and one-half years
C)Two and one-half years
D)Three years
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