Managing Life Skills ©2011

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Practice Quizzes - Section 2

How do you improve communication on the phone and when text messaging?
A)Avoid active listening
B)Interrupt frequently with your own message
C)Provide feedback
D)Call or text often and whenever you can
What is one way people communicated both in the past and today?
A)Through writing
B)By e-mail
C)By texting
D)On the Internet
When you communicate in writing, what can make your message unclear?
A)Organizing your thoughts before writing
B)Watching your tone
C)Consider the person you are writing to
D)Writing a complicated, detailed letter
What makes e-mailing or sending text messages more difficult than communicating face-to-face?
A)You cannot send clear messages
B)You cannot "read" facial expressions
C)You cannot control the tone of your message
D)You cannot find a convenient time and place
What is a way to avoid arguments?
A)Prevent feedback
B)Assume your viewpoint is the most valid
C)Ask for clarification
D)Be aggressive
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