Managing Life Skills ©2011

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Practice Quizzes - Section 1

What is sending messages with words and the sound of your voice known as?
A)Verbal communication
B)Nonverbal communication
D)Body language
Which of the following is a barrier to communication?
A)Good listening skills
B)Limited language skills
C)Eye contact
What is one way to communicate with people with hearing impairments?
A)Speak loudly
B)Avoid communicating with these people
C)Use body language
D)Use sign language
What does sending a mixed message mean?
A)Your words and body language do not communicate the same thing
B)Your words and body language are communicating the same thing
C)People will believe what you are saying
D)You are trying to communicate in various ways
What is one way to avoid active listening?
A)Focus on the speaker
B)Interrupt the speaker to give your opinion
C)Avoid judgments
D)Keep an open mind
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