Managing Life Skills ©2011

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Practice Quizzes - Section 2

Which is not a method of minimizing falls?
A)Keeping knives away from children
B)Using a stepladder rather than a chair to reach high places
C)Keeping rooms well lit
D)Anchoring throw rugs
When should you wear gloves and goggles in the home?
A)When you clean the bathroom
B)When you operate power tools
C)When you use a lawn mower
D)When you handle knives
What device used near water automatically turns off electricity to guard against electrical shock?
A)Ground fault circuit interrupter
B)Carbon monoxide detector
C)Smoke alarm
D)Fire extinguisher
Which device is essential to keep in the home in the event of a kitchen fire?
A)Shut-off valve
B)Carbon monoxide detector
C)Fire extinguisher
D)Battery-operated radio
Which of the following road safety guidelines is not true?
A)Always wear a safety belt
B)You should stay focused
C)It is safe to drive if you only have a drink or two
D)You must drive defensively
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