Managing Life Skills ©2011

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Practice Quizzes - Section 1

Which of the following is not a good suggestion for keeping your home neat and clean?
A)Unload groceries as soon as you get home
B)Sort mail monthly
C)Have a place for everything
D)Get rid of things you do not need
Which of the following is a seasonal task?
A)Dish washing
B)Cleaning bathroom floors
D)Cleaning gutters
Which of the following is an annual task?
A)Checking smoke detectors
B)Having the furnace checked by a professional
C)Vacuuming refrigerator condenser coils
D)Lubricating tracks of automatic garage door openers
Which of the following is a weekly task?
A)Changing bed linens
B)Washing dishes
C)Sweeping kitchen floor
D)Taking out the garbage
Which of the following is a daily task?
A)Cleaning bathroom fixtures
B)Doing laundry
C)Wiping down kitchen counters
D)Dusting the furniture
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