The American Journey Early Years © 2011

Chapter 9: The Jefferson Era

Student Web Activity

"American Trade Issues in the Early 1800s"

In this chapter you have learned about the Jefferson Era, during which many members of American society fought for reform. In the fight for reform, mistakes were made by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in foreign policy. One of those mistakes was the Embargo Act, which backfired and wiped out American commerce with other nations, including Britain.

Destination Title: Thomas Jefferson

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Browse the Web site to learn more about events during Thomas Jefferson’s presidency.
Type Embargo of 1807 in the search box and read the Web page you select.
Type Lewis and Clark Expedition in the search box and read more about the Louisiana purchase.
Type Barbary Wars in the search box

Read the article on the home page and answer the following questions.

The Embargo Act was one of the last conflicts during Jefferson's Administration. What was the first?
The Louisiana Purchase was a triumph for Jefferson. How did this success help Jefferson?
What exactly did the Embargo Act do? How did it the embargo harm the United States?
How did Jefferson's successes and failures shape America during this era?
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