The American Journey Early Years © 2011

Chapter 9: The Jefferson Era

Web Activity Lesson Plans

"American Trade Issues in the Early 1800s"

In this chapter students learned about the Jefferson Era. They learned that even though Jefferson's administration had much success and gained popularity because of the Louisiana Purchase, the failures of their foreign policy, specifically the Embargo Act, left some states disillusioned. This web activity helps to reinforce that there were successes and failures to shaping a nation.

Lesson Description
Students will learn about different trade issues that America faced in the 1800s. After reading the articles and answering questions associated with the articles, they will use the knowledge to explain that foreign policy successes and failures helped to shape America.

Instructional Objectives

  1. The student will be able to explain aspects of Jefferson 's interactions with foreign countries.
  2. The student will be able to understand that the failure of the Embargo Act and the success of the Louisiana Purchase shaped America.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. As a response to the attacks on American merchant ships, Jefferson sent a naval attack against the Barbary States.
  2. The success of the Louisiana Purchase led to Jefferson being able to run again for a second term and win.
  3. The Embargo Act banned all foreign shipping. It hurt certain areas of the nation, like New England, and forced Americans to learn how to make their own goods. It also raised questions about warfare and tensions between the states.
  4. A result of the Barbary Wars was that even though America no longer had to pay tributes, it took a long time to pay money to get back their prisoners. It also demonstrated the strength of the growing Navy.
  5. The Barbary Wars were resolved by Stephen Decatur capturing two Algerian ships and then dictating a peace with Algiers. After that, he went to Tunis and Tripoli to pay for seized U.S. vessels and negotiate peace.
  6. Answers may vary but could state that the Louisiana Purchase helped America by providing more land for westward expansion. The Embargo Act, though costly in the beginning, did teach America self-reliance and how to make goods they normally imported. Finally, the Barbary Wars helped promote merchant sailing without fear of capture or high costs, along with demonstrating the strength of the growing Navy.
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