Food, Nutrition & Wellness ©2010

Chapter 14: Special Health Concerns

Chapter Summaries

Good nutrition helps lower many health risks. Eating disorders are emotional illnesses that result in extreme, unhealthy ways of eating or exercising. People with food sensitivities—lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, and food allergies—have unpleasant and even harmful reactions to food. Some health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure, require special eating plans. Good nutrition helps speed recovery from illness and injury. Food and medication can interact positively and negatively.

Content and Academic Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary
eating disordercoronary heart disease
lactose intoleranceatherosclerosis
gluten intolerancehigh blood pressure
food allergylipid
allergenhigh-density lipoprotein
diabeteslow-density lipoprotein

Academic Vocabulary
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