Carpentry & Building Construction

Math Activities :

Self-Check Math Activity 9

Decimal Feet

Carpenters sometimes use measurements in the form of decimal feet. Decimal feet consist of a whole number and a part of one foot expressed as a decimal rather than as a regular inch or fraction of an inch. Carpenters may use calculators or tables to convert between decimal and fractional feet.

Terms, Symbols, & Abbreviations
decimal foot - one foot plus a part of a foot expressed as a decimal
' = foot or feet
'' = foot or feet

Practice Exercise

Table A (25.0K)

What is 8' 3 5/16'' in decimal feet?
Step 1 Find the decimal equivalent of the part of a foot, 3 5/16'', from Table A, Decimal
3 5/16'' = 0.2760'
Step 2 Add the whole feet and the decimal together.
8' + 0.2760' = 8.2760'

Convert 5.4583 decimal feet into feet and fractional inches.
Step 1 On Table A, find the fractional inch equivalent of 0.4583.
0.4583 = 5 1/2''
Step 2 Add the whole feet and the inches together.
5' + 5 1/2'' = 5' 5 1/2''

Problem Exercises

Use Table A to solve the following problems.

5.1719' is equivalent to
A)5' 1719"
B)5' 17"
C)5' 2/16"
D)5' 2 1/16"
8.5833' is equivalent to
A)8' .5833"
B)8' .58"
C)8' 7"
D)8' 7 7/16"
13.1042' is equivalent to
A)13' 1 1/4"
B)13' 1/4"
C)13' 10"
D)13' .1042"
The measurement closest to 4' 6 3/8" is
The measurement closest to 10.7396' is
A)8' 7/8"
B)80' 7/8"
C)10' 7/8"
D)10' 8 7/8"
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