Carpentry & Building Construction

Math Activities :

Self-Check Math Activity 23

Area of a Triangle

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A triangle is a polygon with three sides and three angles. To find the area of a triangle, multiply its base times one-half its height. The formula for the area of a triangle is A = 1/2 bh.

Carpenters may calculate the area of triangles when they are estimating materials for gables or overhangs.

Terms, Symbols, & Abbreviations
triangle – a polygon with three sides and three angles
area – the amount of space within a flat figure
sq. in. = square inch, or square inches
sq. ft. = square foot, or square feet. One sq. ft. = 144 sq. in.
sq. yd. = square yard, or square yards. One sq. yd. = 9 square feet

Practice Exercise

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Find the area of the triangle.
Step 1The formula is A = 1/2 bh
Step 2Insert the known values.
A = 1/2 × 8 ×5
Step 3A = 20
The area of the triangle is 20 sq. ft.

Problem Exercises

Find the area of a triangle whose base is 10' and height is 7'.
A)8.5 sq. ft.
B)35 sq. ft.
C)70 sq. ft.
D)140 sq. ft.
Find the base of a triangle whose area is 48 sq. ft. and whose height is 8'.
Find the approximate base of a gable that has an area of 45.5 sq. ft. and a height of 7'.
The area for the side of an overhang with a 36'' base and a 22'' height is
A)33 sq. ft.
B)11 sq. ft.
C)5.50 sq. ft.
D)2.75 sq ft.
An attic storage closet has a wall in the shape of a triangle. The area of the wall, whose base is 6' and whose height is 5' is
A)11 sq. ft.
B)15 sq. ft.
C)30.5 sq ft.
D)61 sq. ft.
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