Teen Health Course 2

Chapter 9: Alcohol

Student Web Activities: Lesson 5: Spreading the Word About Alcohol

Spreading the Word About Alcohol

One of the biggest problems associated with drinking alcohol is drunk driving. Even if you are not old enough to drink, your life can be changed by someone who drinks and drives. On the Web site below, you will see what some well-known people are doing to try to discourage young people from drinking and driving. You will also get a chance to see how creative expression can be used to get an important message across.

Link to explore: RADD: http://www.radd.org/


  • Start at the RADD web site.
  • Click on and read the “Who’s RADD,” and “Youth Division” links. Then, click on and view the “How Could This Happen to Me” video on the RADD homepage. Take notes as you go.
  • When you are done, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, using ideas from the RADD Web site, come up with a design for a t-shirt that includes a slogan or poetic statement urging teens to say no to alcohol.

What does RADD stand for?
What is RADD’s motto?
What do RADD teens advocate?
What do you think the rain in the “How Could This Happen to Me” video represents?
Why do you think the “How Could This Happen to Me” video showed people other than the two involved in the accident being hurt?
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