Teen Health Course 2

Chapter 8: Tobacco

Student Web Activities: Lesson 3: Working for a Smoke Free World


Smoking is a big problem that affects people around the world. On the Web site below you will learn how a group of teens researched and decided to do something about tobacco related problems. You’ll also learn how you can help.

Link to explore: Smoke Free World: http://www.smokefreeworld.org/

  • Start at the Smoke Free World Web site.
  • Move the mouse over the graphic, click on the scissors, and read about the group of teens and what they have done. After that, click on and read the “Is Your Face Next,” “Tobacco Plague,” “Global Robbery,” “Target Market,” and “Take Action” links. Take notes as you read.
  • When you are done answer the questions below.
  • Finally, using the information provided on the Web site, create a “Did You Know?” poster that lists some of the problems you learned about on the Smoke Free World Web site. Include the names of organizations, web sites, and phone numbers where teens can get more information.

What are the three topics that the teens at Smoke Free World have been investigating?
What is the message being sent by tobacco companies when they sell their products?
As a result of tobacco ads targeting youth, how many young people become new smokers every day?
Why do the teens at Smoke Free World say that tobacco contributes to poverty, famine, and deforestation?
How did the tobacco company RJ Reynolds encourage teens who attended a music concert to smoke?
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