Teen Health Course 2

Chapter 7: Resolving Conflicts and Preventing Violence

Student Web Activities: Lesson 3: Staying Safe After School

Staying Safe After School

Violence is a problem that many teens are forced to face. Violent acts of crime typically occur during after-school- hours. One of the best ways to avoid getting caught up in violence is to participate in some after school activities. On the Web site below, you will learn about the reasons violence is so common after school, and how to find after-school activities that will keep you safe.

Link to explore: Safe Youth: http://www.safeyouth.org/scripts/faq/afterreduce.asp

  • Start at the Safe Youth Web site.
  • Read the “After School Programs Reduce the Potential for Violence” and take notes as you read.
  • When you are done answer the questions below.
  • Finally, using the information provided on the Web site, create your own “Prevent After-School Violence” bulletin. Include information about the after-school programs available at your school and community. Ask to have it posted on bulletin boards, in the library, and other public places at your school.

What is the most dangerous time of the day for teens?
What are some examples of negative behaviors teens tend to engage in when they are unsupervised after school?
What have good after-school programs been shown to do for teens?
According to the Census Department, how many 12-year-olds are unsupervised before or after school? How many 14-year-olds?
Identify three steps you can take to support after school programs in your community?
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