Teen Health Course 2

Chapter 7: Resolving Conflicts and Preventing Violence

Student Web Activities: Lesson 2: Creative Conflict Resolution

Creative Conflict Resolution

Nobody likes conflict, but it can be an opportunity to develop new skills and find successful ways to resolve conflicts. On the Web site below you will learn about what conflict is, what causes it, and how to deal with it in positive ways. You will also get to role-play a conflict and try to come up with positive solutions.

Link to explore: BAM! “Guide to Getting Along”: http://www.bam.gov/sub_yourlife/yourlife_conflict.html


  • Go to the BAM! Web site.
  • Read through the page, then click on “Iron Out Your Issues” at the bottom.
  • Read through the seven steps to getting along, taking notes as you go.
  • When you are done, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, using the information provided on the Web site, write an outline for a skit about teens who resolve their conflicts in a positive way.

When is conflict not a conflict?
What are three ways to keep your anger from boiling over?
What is the tone of a talk?
Why should everyone involved a conflict tell his/her side of the story?
What are three reasons to ask for help from another person when you are involved in a conflict?
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