Teen Health Course 2

Chapter 5: Mental and Emotional Health

Student Web Activities: Lesson 5: Lending a Helping Hand

Lending a Helping Hand

Having someone your own age to talk to when you are facing a tough problem can be really helpful. That’s why many counseling and crisis centers are starting peer- counseling programs for teens. Being a peer counselor means you are trained to help teens your age deal with all kinds of issues, such as conflict resolution and suicide. On the Web site below, you will learn about one organization that has developed a strong peer counseling program and the kinds of things you could do if you became a peer counselor.

Link to explore: San Francisco Education Fund: “San Francisco Peer Resources”: http://www.sfedfund.org/peers/what.php

  • Start at the “San Francisco Peer Resources – What We Do” Web site.
  • Read through the each of the sections, taking notes as you go.
  • Next, click on the “Get Involved” tab and select “Donate Time” to see how to apply to become a peer counselor.
  • When you are done reading, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, write a letter of introduction to Peer Resources telling them why you’d like to be a peer counselor.

What are three issues addressed in peer education presentations?
What do teen conflict mediators do?
What do peer tutors do?
Who facilitates peer support groups?
What are three kinds of peer designed research tools?
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