Teen Health Course 2

Chapter 5: Mental and Emotional Health

Student Web Activities - Teacher Content

Lesson 3


  1. Some skills that teens can learn from expressing themselves creatively include:
    1. Swimming
    2. Diving
    3. Cooperation
    4. Compromise
    5. Organization
    6. Time management
    7. Self-confidence
    8. Overcoming obstacles
    9. Working toward goals
    10. Identify talents
    11. Think about present and future issues
    12. Make a difference

  2. Examples of self expression discussed on In the Mix include:
    1. Drumming
    2. Dream workshops
    3. Journalism – creating a newspaper
    4. Making short videos
    5. Making digital slide shows
    6. Playing jazz music
    7. Writing
    8. Dancing

  3. Recent studies have shown that arts education helps young people develop skills in areas such as Math, Science, and verbal and written communication.

  4. Write Girl is a Los Angeles based organization that pairs teen girls with adult women writers for one-on-one mentoring and group workshops.

  5. POV means point of view. The POV section on the In the Mix web site asks teens whether or not they feel arts education is important for teens.
Additional Resources for Teachers

Below are some additional resources on self-expression through the arts. You might want to try some of the activities suggested on these sites.

  1. The John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts: www.artsedge.kennedy-center.org
  2. Americans for the Arts: http://www.artsusa.org/
  3. Art Motivates Teens: http://www.enquirer.com/editions/2004/10/02/loc_loc3mural.html

Lesson 5


  1. Some of the issues addressed in peer education presentations include: violence prevention, sexual harassment, drug and alcohol use, and depression.

  2. Teen conflict mediators help other teens resolve conflicts peacefully.

  3. Peer tutors provide academic help in subjects such as math, English, and science.

  4. Peer support groups are co-facilitated by trained students and an adult facilitator.

  5. Peer designed research tools include surveys, focus groups, and interviews.
Additional Resources for Teachers

Peer counseling is being defined and used in a variety of ways by organizations across the country. Below is a list of some of them. Try having students compare the organizations and say which ones they'd like to work with.

  1. . On Your Mind: http://www.onyourmind.net
  2. National Crime Prevention Council: http://www.ncpc.org/teens/volunteers.php
  3. Teen Central: http://www.teencentral.net/?gclid=CJzwkbWxoYwCFSBNYAodljyjzQ
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