Teen Health Course 2

Chapter 10: Drugs

Student Web Activities: Lesson 5: The Drug-Free Advantage

The Drug-Free Advantage

Drug use ruins lives. Making the commitment to stay drug free is one of the most important decisions you can make – your future depends on it! Teens who never use drugs will avoid the difficult road to recovery, and will have the advantage of living a life free from the risks involved with drug use.

Link to explore: Partnership for a Drug Free America : http://www.drugfree.org/Intervention/WhereStart


  • Start at the Partnership for a Drug Free America Web site.
  • Click on the 13 Myths link, and then Educate Yourself about Stages of Substance Abuse, taking notes as you go.
  • When you are done, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, think about the advantages of avoiding the risks of taking drugs, and write down three reasons a teen should make a commitment to stay drug free.

Why does drug use change from a voluntary behavior to an uncontrollable addiction?
Is it true that anyone can quit using drugs whenever they decide to?
What is the typical minimum time for a drug treatment program to be effective?
Describe three characteristics of dependence involved in regular to risky drug use.
Can a person stop substance abuse before he or she becomes addicted?
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