Teen Health Course 2

Chapter 10: Drugs

Student Web Activities: Lesson 2: Find Facts About Drugs

Find Facts About Drugs

Using drugs is dangerous to adolescent health because drugs affect how the brain works. The brain is the command center for the whole body and drug effects can cause serious problems. For example, taking cocaine can stop breathing or cause fatal heart attacks. On the Web site below, you will find information on the effects of drugs on the brain and facts about specific drugs

Link to explore: The Science Behind Drugs: http://teens.drugabuse.gov/index.asp


  • Start at The Science Behind Drugs Web site.
  • Click on the “Facts on Drugs” section and read “Brain and Addiction.” Be sure to click on and read the Next Page. Then read facts about the types of drugs listed taking notes as you go
  • When you are done, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, using the information provided on the Web site, create a public service announcement about the dangers of drug use and how to stay drug free.

Which cells in the brain are responsible for communicating messages?
How do drugs work in the brain to change the way neurotransmitters act?
Explain one effect if someone keeps using drugs.
How does drug abuse and addiction affect the way the brain works?
Name two ways drug addiction can be treated.
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