Succeeding in the World of Work

Chapter 23: Taxes and Social Security

Personal Academic and Career Portfolio Help

Fill Out Form W-4

Download Form W-4 as a PDF from the IRS Web site and fill out the form on the computer using Adobe® Reader®. Read the directions at the top of page 1 and use the worksheets on pages 1 and 2 to calculate how many deductions you can claim. Then fill out the form itself, located in the bottom third of page 1. Save the completed form to your electronic Personal Academic and Career Portfolio and print out a paper copy for your physical portfolio.

Your Form W-4 may change as your life circumstances change. If you marry and have children, you will have dependents. The number of dependents that you claim may change your Form W-4. As you begin a new job, or your life circumstances change, revisit your Academic and Personal Career Portfolio to see if you want to change your Form W-4.

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