Economics: Today and Tomorrow © 2008

Chapter 3: Your Role as a Consumer

Student Web Activity

"Learning on the Job"

The federal Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA officially closed in 1999) was an agency within the Department of Commerce until 1999. Many states, however, continue to fund their own consumer affairs agencies, seeking to promote better relations between businesses and consumers. Assume you are interested in applying for a job with the Georgia Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs. You'll need to learn all you can about this government agency.

Destination Title: Georgia Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs

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Start at the Georgia Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs Web site.

  • Read through the site, taking notes as you go. You may click on topics in this site such as "Need Help?" "Consumer Alerts," and "FAQ" to complete your research.

Using the information you gathered from this site, answer the following questions.

According to the Web site, the Georgia Governor’s Office of Consumer Affairs is “at your service” in what ways?
What “Hot Topics” are the most useful for you to read and learn about?
What information should consumers provide to the Georgia Governor's OCA when filing a complaint?
What agency or organization helps consumers check the reliability or reputation of a business?
The ideal candidate for a job with the Georgia Governor's OCA should have excellent verbal and written communication skills, independent research abilities, and computer literacy. Write a letter to the state Office of Consumer Affairs listing your skills and abilities, focusing on how you would be interested in developing educational materials and helping consumers with marketplace issues. Be sure to incorporate your recently acquired knowledge about the agency's purpose and place in consumer affairs.
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