Economics: Today and Tomorrow © 2008

Chapter 3: Your Role as a Consumer

Chapter Overviews

Section 1: Consumption, Income, and Decision Making

A consumer is a person or group that buys or uses goods and services to satisfy personal needs and wants. Wise consumers use certain principles or strategies when making purchases, and they know about their rights and responsibilities.

Section 2: Buying Principles and Strategies

The chapter explains how consumers can make rational choices regarding their disposable and discretionary income by basing their decisions on opportunity costs. Also, the three basic buying principles are used by wise consumers in order to distinguish between competitive advertising and informative advertising to make good consumer decisions.

Section 3: Consumerism

The final focus is on the consumerism movement, discussing the various public and private agencies that provide information to educate buyers about the purchases they make and to demand better and safer products from the manufacturers. Consumer responsibility is extremely significant, and the chapter concludes with eight suggestions for consumers to follow.

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