Sociology & You

Chapter 12: Education

Student Web Activites

"Sexism in the Classroom"

In this chapter you learned about the basic functions of education as well as the ways in which schools socialize children. Classroom teachers, who are usually a child's first authority figure outside the family, have a unique and important role in socializing children. Sometimes, teachers affect children unintentionally, and even well-meaning teachers unconsciously transmit sexist expectations of how male and female students should behave. In this activity you will take a closer look at the causes and consequences of sexism in schools.

Web sites
The Tutor: Graduate Teacher Program Newsletter
Read through this research describing how boys and girls are treated differently in different grades, states of residence, and social classes.

Teaching Resource Center
Gender discrimination still occurs throughout the college years, as described at this University of Virginia Web site.

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Although these articles indicate that there is still considerable sexism that takes place in schools, educational opportunities for girls have improved considerably over the years. Conduct an interview with a parent, grandparent, or other adult and find out what school was like when they were young. How were classrooms organized? How did the students interact with the teacher? Did the treatment of male and female students differ? Write a summary of the similarities and differences in classrooms of the past and present, and share your results with the class.

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