Sociology & You

Chapter 12: Education

Self-Check Quizzes

What is formal schooling?
A)a nonbureaucratic approach to education
B)a style of teaching in which teachers act as guides rather than as controlling agents
C)education provided and regulated by society that stresses efficiency and standardization
D)a progressive movement of the 1920s and 1930s reacting against the strict Victorian authoritarianism of early nineteenth century schools
The approach to education that is based on democratic relationships, flexibility, and noncompetitiveness is ____________.
A)formal education
B)open classroom
C)the back-to-basics movement
D)charter schools
The back-to-basics movement encouraged all of the following EXCEPT ____________.
A)strengthening of high school graduation requirements
B)a return to more teaching of basic skills such as reading and mathematics
C)lengthening of the school year
D)abolition of physical education
The ____________ is the system in which parents can send their children to private schools and can pay part of the tuition with money the government would have spent on their children in public schools.
A)voucher system
B)charter school system
C)for-profit school system
D)magnet school system
Of the following, which IS a difference between charter schools and magnet schools?
A)Charter schools are publicly funded schools, while magnet schools are not.
B)Magnet schools attempt to achieve a high standard of excellence, while charter schools do not.
C)Magnet schools specialize in a certain area, whereas charter schools do not.
D)Charter schools shape their own curriculum, whereas magnet schools do not.
Which of the following is NOT a manifest function of education?
A)Education transmits culture.
B)Education makes students smarter.
C)Education creates a common identity for members of society.
D)Education promotes personal growth and development.
What is a meritocracy?
A)a society in which social status is based on social-class background
B)a society in which social status is based on wealth
C)a society in which social status is based on parental status
D)a society in which social status is based on ability and achievement
Based on what you have read about SAT scores, is America a meritocracy?
A)Yes. Those who do best on SAT scores enjoy higher levels of success.
B)No. Those who do best on SAT scores do not enjoy higher levels of success.
C)Yes. The SAT is a good predictor of who will do well in college.
D)No. The SAT ignores the differences in education that result from social class.
The argument that intelligence tests favor the cognitive abilities of people in some social categories shows ____________.
A)there is a genetic basis for differences in intelligence
B)cultural bias
C)that intelligence is not inherited
D)that city dwellers are more intelligent than people in rural areas
What is the hidden curriculum?
A)the verbal, mathematical, and writing skills taught in school
B)a prediction resulting in behavior that makes the prediction come true
C)the nonacademic agenda that teaches children norms and values
D)a bias that values intelligence over appearance
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