Sociology & You

Chapter 15: Sport

Web Activity Lesson Plans

"Sport and Sexism"

In this chapter, students learned about sport as an American institution. Sport plays a central role in American society because it reflects the culture's emphasis on achievement, and it is an important tool for socialization. Sometimes, inequalities emerge in sport. Minorities still face discrimination in sport, and women in sport suffer from gender-based stereotypes. In this activity students will take a closer look at the causes and consequences of gender inequity in sport.

Lesson Description
Students will visit these Web sites to read articles about gender equity in sport. They will read about various institutions responsible for gender inequality in sport and the facts vs. myths of Title IX. Students will compare and contrast a women's and men's sporting event and analyze both events in terms of gender equity in this activity and report their findings in an essay format.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will be able to discuss how various institutions are responsible for gender inequity in sport.
  2. Students will be able to explain Title IX and judge its achievements.
  3. Students will be able to analyze sporting events for women and for men in terms of gender equity.
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