Introduction to Web Design Using Dreamweaver

Chapter 11: Project Planning

Go Online Activities 11.1

Examine resources for Web developers.

Read the questions below.
Click on the Destination Site link(s) to open a new browser window.
Apply what you learn to answer the questions.
Check your work carefully, and click Submit.

Destination Site: Web Developer Virtual Library
Destination Site: Microsoft Developer Network

Note: If this link is inactive or to find other Internet sites with similar information, get permission from your teacher to use a search engine.
Here are some keywords you might use:
web developer resources

What is the goal of the Web developer?
When browsing the Microsoft Developer Network site (as listed above), name three examples of technical programming information you could find in the MSDN Library section.
Which elements does the alpha version of a Web developer’s site include?
What Web developer resource, found on most technical Web sites, provides online group discussion and feedback about programming and technical issues?
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