Introduction to Web Design Using Dreamweaver

Unit 3: Enhancing a Web Site

Unit Activities

How can you tell whether the information on a Web site is factual and reliable? Asking specific questions every time you visit a site will help you decide. Evaluate the Web site below to determine the accuracy of its data.

Read the questions below.
Click on the Destination Site link(s) to open a new browser window.
Apply what you learn to answer the questions.
Check your work carefully, and click Submit.

Destination Site: Yahooligans! Teachers' Guide - Evaluating Web Sites

Note: If this link is inactive or to find other Internet sites with similar information, get permission from your teacher to use a search engine.
Here are some keywords you might use:
evaluating web sites

What does the Yahooligans! Teachers’ Guide listed above recommend that teachers do before showing their students a Web site?
The Yahooligans! Teachers’ Guide has created a method for remembering what to look for when evaluating Web sites. Name this method and list its four components.
One key question when evaluating a Web site’s content is, “Who is the author of this information?” From there you can determine whether the author or organization is a trustworthy resource. Who wrote the content for the Yahooligans! Teachers’ Guide?
Find the date when this particular Web page was last updated. (This information is generally found at the bottom of a Web page.) Based on the date you found, what might that information tell you about the timeliness of this content?
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