Introduction to Web Design Using Dreamweaver

Chapter 5: Planning a Web Site

Go Online Activities 5.1

Learn about different ways to navigate a Web site.

Read the questions below.
Click on the Destination Site link(s) to open a new browser window.
Apply what you learn to answer the questions.
Check your work carefully, and click Submit.

Destination Site: Navigation Basics from
Destination Site: Web Design Guide to Navigation

Note: If this link is inactive or to find other Internet sites with similar information, get permission from your teacher to use a search engine.
Here are some keywords you might use:
web site navigation

During the Web site design process, what must you do before determining how your site will be structured?
List three types of navigation schemes.
Within a hierarchical Web site, what is the difference between a parent-child relationship and a peer-to-peer relationship?
Which navigation scheme is a Web designer least likely to use? Explain your answer.
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