Teen Health Course 2

Chapter 4: Nutrition

Parent Letters - English

Parent Letter and Activities
For use with Chapter 4

Dear Parent or Guardian,
We are now studying the topic of nutrition in your child’s health class. Our studies will include the MyPyramid food guidance system and how to apply the guidelines to everyday eating. We will also study the roles of the digestive and excretory systems and ways to keep these systems healthy. In addition, we will discuss ways to maintain a healthy weight and body image. Our emphasis will be on helping your teen choose a healthful eating plan that will keep him or her healthy.

Some questions your teen will consider as we discuss this topic are: What nutrients does my body need in order to grow, develop, and stay healthy? How can I use the MyPyramid food guidance system to help me make healthy food choices? What role does a nutritious breakfast play in my overall health? How can I achieve a healthy body image?

Healthful eating is not always an easy task in our hectic lives. Our studies can provide your teen with the necessary information to enjoy the benefits of a healthful eating plan. To support and extend our classroom work, please set aside some time during the next few weeks to complete one or more of the following activities with your teen:

  • Ask your teen to plan a week’s meals for your family. Encourage him or her to create menus that will give your family nutritious meals that satisfy the MyPyramid food guidance system guidelines for each member of the family.
  • Go food shopping with your teen. As you read food labels together, ask him or her to tell you what has been learned about nutritional value of foods.
  • With your teen, take an inventory of snack foods in your house. Together, decide what are healthful snacks, and which snacks may be low in nutritional value or high in added salt or sugar. Brainstorm ways to improve the snacks that are readily available to your family members.

Of course, feel free to engage in other activities you think will encourage your teen to choose a healthful eating plan. Thank you for joining me in teaching the many benefits of choosing nutrient-rich foods to your teen.


Health Teacher

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