Human Heritage: A World History

Chapter 7: Military Empires

Web Activity Lesson Plans

“Persian Coins”

In this chapter students learned that Persians spread the idea of using coins for money. In this activity they will take a closer look at the history and design of Persian coins.

Lesson Description
Students will use information from the Persian Coins Through the Centuries Web site to learn about the history of Persian coins. They will read about the purpose of early coins and discover how their designs changed over time. Students will answer four questions about the material they read and apply this information by writing an essay stating what they think today's coins will convey to people 2500 years from now.

Instruction Objectives

  1. Students will recognize that money is characteristic and representative of a culture.
  2. Students will be able to apply this knowledge to write about the impression our coins will give people 2500 years from now.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. Their striking of coins symbolized their authority over their own people and their neighboring states.
  2. Darius I is credited with instituting the first distinctively Persian coins. These gold coins depicted the king in a running position holding a spear or bow.
  3. Darius's successors kept the coins' same basic design, but substituted their own images and weapons of choice on the face of the coins.
  4. They ceased to exist because Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire.
  5. Students' essays may vary.

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