Glencoe Keyboarding with Computer Applications

Unit 8: Databases

Communication Focus: Lesson 146

Find out more about netiquette.

Read the information below and apply what you learn to answer the questions. Key your answers into the spaces provided. After you finish keying, check your work carefully and click Submit.

Use the information from your responses in order to complete the activity from page 536 of your textbook.

NetiquetteNetiquette is a term that describes good manners in electronic communications, such as e-mail, instant messaging, and chatrooms. Netiquette can help communication flow more efficiently and help avoid misunderstandings. Here are some suggestions for good e-mail netiquette in the workplace. You can apply the principles to any electronic communication.

Professional E-Mail Dos:

  • Follow the same formatting guidelines as for a traditional letter. Include a salutation, check your spelling, and use good grammar.
  • Be brief and direct.
  • Use the correct Reply, Reply All, CC, BCC, and Forwarding options so e-mail is not sent to the wrong person.
  • Know the school/workplace policies and conventions for appropriate e-mail use.
  • Remember that once you send e-mail you cannot get it back and that it can be quickly forwarded by others to many people.
  • Check if a signature is required. Some documents, such as some legal documents, cannot be sent electronically and require a signature. In this case, use traditional delivery methods, such as the post office, messenger, or FedEx.

Professional E-Mail Don'ts:

  • Avoid informal language, such as slang and sarcasm. It is easy to misinterpret on a computer screen.
  • Avoid emoticons, jokes, and capital letters. One common mistake is to use all capital letters to emphasize a point, but this can look like SHOUTING.
  • Avoid responding too quickly, especially in anger or frustration.
  • Avoid forwarding jokes, junk mail (spam), hoaxes, and chain letters that add to inbox overflow .
  • Do not lie or deliberately pass along bad information in a way that causes harm to a person or company. This is called libel , and it is illegal.

Why is it important to correctly use the Reply, Reply All, CC, BCC, and Forwarding options?
Why is it best to not use capital letters to emphasize a point in an e-mail?
What are three types of electronic communication that contribute to inbox overflow?
If you spread false information around in an e-mail that harms a person or an organization, it is ____.
Think of a time when you, or a friend, have been affected by bad netiquette, such as spam or a confusing or hurtful instant message (IM).
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