Glencoe Keyboarding with Computer Applications

Unit 6: Desktop Publishing

Internet Connection: Lesson 104

Compare Desktop Publishing Software

Research, compare, and contrast different desktop publishing products.

Read the information below and apply what you learn to answer the questions. Key your answers into the spaces provided.

What To Look For If you create many specialized documents, such as flyers and newsletters, you should use software that is created specifically for desktop publishing—such as Microsoft® Publisher.

Seek out desktop publishing software that is “smart,” up to date, and fully compatible with your printer and computer system. Important elements include a wide range of project templates, clipart, images, editing tools, text options, and “extras.” Here are some criteria for comparing desktop publishing software:

  • Ease of Use How easy is the software to use? The program features and instructions should be simple for the “non-expert user.”
  • Features Does the software have a variety of templates, such as calendars, posters, images, stationery, letterhead, and business cards? Are the features well organized and simple to manage?
  • Tools Are there excellent graphic and text tools that allow you manipulate the page in various ways? Can you correct and alter photos? Can you add text layers with various headlines and clipart?
  • Software Support Will you have access to expert help from the software manufacturer? Is there a Web site and/or manual that provides help and answers to your questions?

Find Information on a Web Site With your teacher’s permission, use a search engine to seek out Web sites that offer comparisons of desktop publishing software. Here are some keywords you might use: compare and publishing program, desktop, software.

What is desktop publishing software used for?
What features should you seek out in desktop publishing software?
List at least four criteria for comparing desktop publishing software.
What other features for comparing desktop publishing software to you feel are most important?
Search the Internet and list two examples of desktop publishing software that you feel are excellent values. Include the product name, publisher, price, and outstanding features that you feel make this an excellent value.
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