Glencoe Keyboarding with Computer Applications

Unit 4: Word Processing

Internet Connection: Lesson 66

Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Learn more about CTS, what causes it, and how to treat it.

Read the information below and apply what you learn to answer the questions. Key your answers into the spaces below.

Use the information you have collected to create a simple table with columns for symptoms, causes, and treatments—as directed in your textbook.

What Is CTS?Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a lower-arm/hand injury that is caused by repeating the same, small movements many times, such as keyboarding or clicking a mouse.

Cause CTS is caused by a narrowing of the carpal tunnel—a small passage made up of ligaments and bones at the base of the hand. When the carpal tunnel is inflamed by irritation, such as repeated movements, the passageway narrows and presses on the median nerve.

The median nerve extends from the forearm down into the hand. The median nerve controls feeling to part of the hand, as well as some ability to allow the thumb and some fingers to move.

CTS is most common among those who are involved in repetitive skills, such as:

  • Keyboarders
  • Computer technicians
  • Mechanics
  • Grocery store checkers

Symptoms Symptoms may include pain, weakness, or numbness in the hand and wrist. Also, many CTS sufferers report shooting pain up the forearm.

Treatments Treatment usually involves frequent rest of the hand and arm, exercises, a splint or wrist brace for arm, wrist, and hand support, and cold packs to reduce swelling and inflammation.

In some instances, medication can help with CTS-caused pain and swelling, such as anti-inflammatories and pain-relievers. Corticosteroids, such as prednisone, can be injected into the problem area for immediate relief and to reduce scar tissue.

Many CTS sufferers turn to acupuncture, chiropractic care, or yoga. Though not proven, these alternative treatments have been shown to reduce pain and improve strength among some CTS patients.

One of the most common surgeries in the USA is carpal tunnel release. As a last resort if symptoms last for six months, this procedure severs the tissue around the carpal tunnel to alleviate the median nerve.

Prevention As always, prevention is far better than any of the treatments. Many businesses now emphasize carpal tunnel syndrome prevention. Workers are encouraged to perform stretches and strength conditioning exercises that help the arm, wrist, and hand avoid pain. Workers are also instructed to take frequent breaks, wear supportive splints, and use correct posture at the computer, check register, or work station.

What is the carpal tunnel?
What is the main cause of CTS?
What are some of the symptoms of CTS?
What are two types of treatments for CTS?
Explain one of the measures one can take to prevent CTS.
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