Glencoe Keyboarding Connections: Projects and Applications

Language e-Links

1: Finding Nouns and Pronouns
2: Finding Fragments
3: Direct Quotations versus Indirect. . .
4: Capitalizing Times
5: Using Commas
6: Using Commas to Separate Items. . .
7: Using Commas After Introductory Clauses
8: Finding Adjectives
9: Finding Adverbs
10: Using Apostrophes to Show Possession
11: Apostrophes in Contractions
12: Using Words and Numerals to Write. . .
13: Finding and Punctuating Interjections
14: Using Figures and Words to Write. . .
15: Commas with Independent Clauses Joined. . .
16: Frequently Misspelled Words
17: Making Subjects and Verbs Agree
18: Italics or Quotation Marks in Title?
19: Irregular Verbs
20: Proofreading Documents
21: Commonly Confused Words
22: Alphabetizing Names
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