Glencoe Physical Science with Earth Science

Section 4: Metamorphic Rocks

Section Review Quiz

What are two main contributing factors to creating a metamorphic rock?
A)changes in temperature and water content
B)changes in pressure and chemical composition
C)changes in chemical composition and color
D)chages in temperature and pressure
As rocks are metamorphosed, what is a common result
A)change in color
B)mineral grain alignment
C)change in chemical composition
What is the classic foliated rock sequance?
A)shale, slate, phyllite, schist, and gneiss
B)shale, slate, schist, gneiss, and phyllite
C)clay, garnet, biotite, and mica
D)slate, shale, phyllite, and gneiss
Which sequance describes a nonfoliated metamorphic rock.
A)limestone to quartzite
B)limestone to marble
C)quartzite to marble
D)sandstone to limestone
What cycle describes the transformation of one type of rock into another.
A)The carbon cycle
B)The rock cycle.
C)Bowen's Reaction Cycle
D)Mohs Scale
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