Glencoe Physical Science with Earth Science

Section 2: The Inner Planets

Section Review Quiz

Why is Venus's surface temperature so high?
A)Venus is the ninth planet from the Sun.
B)Venus's clouds produce an intense greenhouse effect.
C)Venus's magnetic field makes the surface temperature high.
D)Venus is the closest planet to the Sun.
What is Valles Marineris?
A)A large canyon on Mars.
B)A large crater on Mars.
C)A large crater on the moon.
D)A comet that passes near Earth every 78 years.
What causes Mars to have a reddish-orange color?
A)Mars is made of iron
B)Mar's surface is composed of weathered rocks containing iron oxide.
C)The clouds surrounding the planet make it appear red.
D)The sun reflects off the planets surface gives it a reddish hue.
What causes the color of Mars's surface to change?
A)It is caused by shrinking ice caps.
B)It is caused by the growth of lichens.
C)It is caused by changing seasons.
D)It is caused by large clouds.
What planet is closest to the Sun?
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