Marketing Series: Fashion Marketing

Chapter 2: Fashion and Marketing

Pop Quizzes

Marketing is defined as ________.
A)analyzing a market by categorizing specific characteristics
B)describing a population in terms of personal characteristics, such as age, gender, and income
C)the process of developing, promoting, and distributing products to satisfy customers' needs
D)planning, buying, and selling fashion apparel and accessories
What is a target market?
A)a group of people who have the same moral values
B)a group of people a business is trying to reach
C)a group of people who wear the same style of clothing
D)a group of people interested in sports
Psychographics considers a person's ______.
A)age, gender, and ethnic background
B)attitudes, interests, and opinions
C)knowledge, attitudes, and use of a product
D)all of the above
Factors that affect fashion merchandising include _______.
A)pricing, economic conditions, and competition
B)the attitudes, interests, and opinions of consumers
C)the age, gender, and income of customers
D)none of the above
What are the four components of the marketing mix?
A)product, place, price, and target market
B)public relations, publicity, personal selling, and price
C)product, place, price, and promotion
D)advertising, personal selling, public relations, and publicity
Promotion refers to _____.
A)the technique used by a salesperson when approaching a customer
B)direct personal contact between a business and its customers
C)any form of communication used to to inform, persuade, or remind people to buy a product
D)the strategy used to determine the price of a product
Which is an element of a promotional mix?
D)all of the above
Contests, displays, and coupons are examples of _____.
A)methods used in personal selling
B)sales promotions
D)methods used to gain publicity
The distribution marketing function refers to _____.
A)the arrangement of products on a store shelf
B)developing and improving products to meet customer needs
C)the transfer of data gained through marketing research
D)the method of physically moving and storing goods
The path a product takes from the producer to the consumer is called _____?
A)market segmentation
B)channel of distribution
C)the textile segment
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