Business Plan Project Workbook

Chapter 2: Company Description

Key Terms

target market  A specific group of customers whom a business wishes to reach
(See page(s) 15)
entrepreneurial opportunity  Key factors that will help make a company succeed
(See page(s) 16)
development milestones  Big events that achieve goals outlined by management
(See page(s) 16)
stakeholders  People who have, or may have, an interest in a company
(See page(s) 16)
unique selling proposition (USP)  The characteristics of a company that make it unique
(See page(s) 17)
business concept  The ideas that define a business
(See page(s) 17)
key collaborators  People who will provide a company with funding, licensing, franchise, partnership, or joint venture arrangements, etc.
(See page(s) 17)
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