Business Plan Project Workbook

Chapter 1: Management Team Plan

Key Terms

traits  The qualities and characteristics that people possess
(See page(s) 1)
skill sets  The abilities and expertise that a person has developed through practice and experience
(See page(s) 2)
development grants  Low-interest government loans that encourage economic development in a certain area
(See page(s) 3)
executives  Employees who are in charge of planning, executing, and controlling the major business functions
(See page(s) 4)
financial statements  Reports that state the sources and uses of money
(See page(s) 7)
advisory board  A group of people who guide the management team
(See page(s) 7)
publicly held company  A company that sells stock to raise funds
(See page(s) 7)
service providers  Companies or individuals that provide products and services on an ongoing basis
(See page(s) 7)
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