Biology (Raven), 10th Edition

Chapter 39: Plant Defense Responses


____________ occurs when a chemical signal secreted by the roots of one plant blocks the germination of nearby seeds or inhibits the growth of a neighboring plant.
E)the systemic response
Which of the following steps is NOT one of the phases of a fungal invasion of a plant?
A)Windblown fungal spores land on plant leaves.
B)Hyphae grow through cell walls and press against the cell membrane.
C)Fungal DNA is replicated by the plant cells.
D)Hyphae differentiate into specialized structures called haustoria.
E)A fungal spore germinates and forms an adhesion pad that allows it to stick to a plant's leaf.
Which of the following DOES NOT correctly state a reason some plant invaders are extremely invasive and hard to control?
A)They can invade new locations where their natural predators are not present.
B)They tap into the xylem of a target plant while seeking carbohydrates.
C)They increase a target plant's risk of frost damage.
D)They use the DNA replicating mechanisms of their target plant to self replicate.
E)They detect and invade evenly spaced stomata.
Which of the following is evidence that black walnut trees deploy allelopathy in their own defense?
A)lack of vegetation growing under black walnut trees
B)the death of hornworms that try to eat black walnut leaves
C)the symbiotic relationship the trees have with fungi
D)the ants that protect the trees from herbivory
E)the morphological changes that occur in response to pathogenic attacks
Which of the following is the first means of defense all plants have against attack by their enemies?
A)thick walls of cells within the xylem tissue
B)dermal tissue
C)cell plasma membranes
D)various secondary metabolites, such as quinine
E)the hypersensitive response (HR)
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