Health & Wellness Grade 8

Chapter 7: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

Chapter Summary

Lesson 1
Drugs are substances that can change the way the body or mind works. Responsible drug use involves following guidelines for the safe use of OTC and prescription drugs.

Lesson 2
Alcohol is a depressant drug that slows down the actions of the central nervous system and harms body organs. Purchasing and drinking alcohol is illegal for teens.

Lesson 3
Alcohol consumption can disrupt family life and interfere with healthful relationships.

Lesson 4
Smoking cigarettes and cigars has short-term and long-term health consequences. Smoking is a leading cause of deaths from cancer, heart disease, and unintentional injuries.

Lesson 5
Secondhand smoke poses a significant health risk because there are dangerous chemicals in mainstream and sidestream smoke. Smokeless tobacco contains harmful ingredients.

Lesson 6
Most teens use resistance skills and avoid tobacco use. Most teens are aware that advertisements glamorize tobacco products.

Lesson 7
Controlled drugs are drugs whose possession, manufacture, distribution, and sale are controlled by law.

Lesson 8
You can protect your health by obeying laws pertaining to marijuana, LSD, PCP, ecstasy, mescaline, anabolic steroid use without a prescription, and inhalant use.

Lesson 9
There are resources in your community to help people who are drug dependent and their families and friends.

Lesson 10
You can use resistance skills to say "no" to drugs. Choosing a drug-free lifestyle helps you protect your future.

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