Health & Wellness Grade 8

Chapter 3: Growth and Development

Chapter Summary

Lesson 1
The skeletal and muscular systems support your body and enable it to move.

Lesson 2
The circulatory and respiratory systems work together to supply oxygen to and remove carbon dioxide from your body's cells.

Lesson 3
The digestive system breaks down food into a form your body can use, while the urinary system removes wastes in liquid form.

Lesson 4
The nervous system carries messages between your brain and all other parts of the body. The integumentary system consists of parts that cover and protect the body, such as skin, hair, and nails.

Lesson 5
Hormones of the endocrine system control many activities of the body.

Lesson 6
The reproductive system contains all the organs involved in the production of offspring.

Lesson 7
The process of reproduction includes conception, pregnancy, and childbirth.

Lesson 8
The life cycle consists of several stages, each with its own challenges to be mastered in preparation for the next stage.

Lesson 9
The different phases of adulthood involve striving for personal growth, achieving or changing life goals, and confronting the challenges of aging.

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