Health & Wellness Grade 8

Chapter 1: Mental and Emotional Health

Chapter Summary

Lesson 1
Optimal health is achieved by practicing healthful behaviors and avoiding risk behaviors.

Lesson 2
Effective communication protects mental and emotional health and physical health and improves relationships.

Lesson 3
Mental fitness includes having a healthful personality, being alert, and demonstrating character. Demonstrating character helps you develop self-respect and responsibility and set and meet realistic standards.

Lesson 4
Expressing your emotions in healthful ways protects mental and emotional health and physical health and improves relationships.

Lesson 5
Stress management skills reduce the harmful effects of stress. Help is available for prolonged depression, a leading health problem in teens.

Lesson 6
A proactive decision-making style can help you make decisions that lead to safe, healthful, and responsible actions. You can counteract negative peer pressure through good character and resistance skills.

Lesson 7
Setting health goals can protect your health by helping you focus on behaviors you want to change.

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