Environmental Science, 11th Edition (Cunningham)

Chapter 15: Air, Weather, and Climate

Video Quiz - Green Concrete

Objective: The student will identify the impact of the creation of cement on the global carbon cycle and will explore ways in which the nanostructure of this material can be exploited to develop a more environmental friendly product.

Click here for more information regarding this video and its quiz questions.


The production of concrete accounts for roughly what percentage of global carbon dioxide emissions?

The nanostructure of cement:
A)refers to the arrangement of its atoms
B)was determined using atomic force microscopy
C)results in its high density
D)b and c
E)all of the above

Based upon their data, the scientists suggest:
A)using a different mineral in cement would reduce its high density
B)using a different mineral in cement would reduce the amount of heat necessary to create cement
C)using a different mineral in cement would reduce the emission of carbon dioxide in the cement making process
D)b and c
E)all of the above
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