Environmental Science, 11th Edition (Cunningham)

Chapter 15: Air, Weather, and Climate

Animation Quiz - Global Warming

Objective: The student will examine a novel method for testing changes in atmospheric temperatures, the results of which give a new perspective on global warming.


Over the past century, temperatures near the Earth’s surface appear to have:
A)lowered by 1 degree Fahrenheit
B)increased by 1 degree Fahrenheit
C)increased by 10 degrees Fahrenheit
D)lowered by 10 degrees Fahrenheit

The lower layer of the atmosphere where most weather occurs is the:
D)none of the above

Based on the new data presented in this study, it appears:
A)the rapid cooling of the stratosphere was interfering with previous temperature readings in the troposphere
B)temperatures in the troposphere are declining each decade
C)temperatures in the troposphere are increasing 1/3 of a degree Fahrenheit every decade
D)a and c
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