The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 6: A World Divided

Multiple Choice Quiz

Germanic women participated in many activities, including agriculture, but their primary responsibilities were
A)caring for the cattle.
B)crop tending.
C)war making.
D)household care and pottery and textiles.
Germanic peoples' diet consisted mainly of
A)meat and dairy products.
B)plants, including grains, mead, ale, and milk.
C)a healthy combination of proteins and plants.
D)mead and meat.
Ulfila, who helped convert the Visigoths and Ostrogoths, had been influenced by the teachings of
D)the Council of Nicaea.
As Germanic pagans and Arians converted to orthodox Christianity, they
A)prohibited intermarriage to maintain some ethnic unity.
B)they learned to read in Latin through the use of Ulfila's vernacular bible.
C)they began to speak the Romance languages.
D)they began to speak Greek, the official language of the empire.
Gregory the Great extended his power by
A)acting as a territorial ruler in addition to acting as head of the church.
B)describing earthly power as two swords, one of which he wielded.
C)refusing to offer financial assistance to distant churches.
D)convincing the Huns and Vandals to spare Rome.
The establishment of monasteries in Ireland aided the process of conversion because
A)the monks used knowledge of paganism to convert the Irish.
B)Ireland lacked the ecclesiastical structures of the rest of the West.
C)monks from Briton came to work with the Irish monks.
D)bishops exercised more authority.
The Merovingian family often used ________ as a means of consolidating their rule.
A)conversion to Christianity
B)papal supremacy
D)political assassination
Cassiodorus wrote a historical chronicle, the Origin of the Goths, to show that
A)the Goths had a history comparable to that of the Romans.
B)the Romans were superior to the Goths.
C)Gothic peoples were superior to Romans.
D)Theodoric's rule could unite people of different faiths.
The Lombards ruled for a time in northern Italy until
A)the Byzantine empire retook the peninsula.
B)the Franks conquered them.
C)the Ostrogoths regained strength.
D)the papacy rebelled and defeated them.
The purpose of the Corpus Iuris Civilis was to
A)preserve Justinian's innovative law code.
B)recapture lost taxes.
C)organize and clarify Roman law.
D)rewrite the laws that interfered with Justinian's rule.
The people of Constantinople gathered in the ________ to see the chariot races.
A)the hippodrome
B)the Forum
C)the Colosseum
D)the Parthenon
Village families in the Byzantine Empire owed
A)one equipped man for military service.
B)service to maintain roads and bridges.
C)set quantities of grain to supply the army.
D)one slave to carry out tasks like constructing camps every night.
The Byzantines used eastern customs such as ________ as they moved away from the western traditions.
B)Greek fire
C)eunuchs and making people prostrate themselves before the emperor
D)poorhouses and orphanages
Part of the motive in prohibiting the worship of icons was
A)to promote western values.
B)to compromise with Islam.
C)to challenge the power of icon-producing monasteries.
D)to resolve the disputes discussed at the Council of Chalcedon.
The ________ brought Christianity to the Slavic peoples.
A)Scandinavian princes
B)Byzantine Empire
C)western kingdoms
D)papal missionaries
Mecca was an important city for which of the following reasons?
A)It was both a trading center and a site of worship.
B)It gathered Jews, Christians, and Muslims in one urban center.
C)It was Muhammad's base when he spread his ideas to the Bedouins.
D)It was site of the Hijra.
In 732, the Muslim forces were defeated by
A)Pepin the Short.
B)Charles Martel.
D)the Carolingians.
The Muslims tolerated Jews and Christians because
A)they all shared the same scriptures and god.
B)Christians and Jews had trade relations with Muslims.
C)Christians and Jews did not resist.
D)Christians and Jews resisted vigorously, and were granted autonomy.
The Umayyad caliphate, located in Damascus, emphasized
A)the importance of Mecca.
D)spiritual authority.
Muslim mathematicians used Arabic numerals to
A)invent the concept of zero.
B)invent algebra.
C)invent the idea of fractions.
D)explore astronomical problems.
During the fifth century, the British Isles were transformed by
A)the settlement of Wales and Ireland by Celtic Britons.
B)a series of invasions by the Roman army.
C)political unification under the leadership of the church.
D)peaceful migrations of Germanic tribes.
According to the "Petrine doctrine,"
A)pagans must either convert to Islam or die.
B)there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.
C)Jesus was both fully human and fully divine.
D)the bishops of Rome were chosen by Christ to lead the Christian world.
While the western Roman Empire suffered invasions, economic dislocation, and social fragmentation, the eastern Roman Empire, now called the Byzantine Empire, continued to flourish. Which one of the following statements about the Byzantine Empire is NOT true?
A)Its capital was Constantinople.
B)Byzantine rule was highly structured.
C)The Byzantine Empire preserved Latin in the East.
D)The Byzantine Empire expanded its territories in military conquests.
Which one of the following statements accurately describes Kievan Rus?
A)Kievan Rus was established by Slavic people.
B)Kievan Rus adopted a written language created by two Byzantine missionaries.
C)The people of Kievan Rus were converted to Latin Christianity.
D)Kievan Rus expanded its territories to include all the Slav peoples.
Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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