The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 4: Pride in Family and City

Multiple Choice Quiz

In the story of Romulus and Remus, the boys were fathered by
B)a wolf.
Rome overlooked a plain that was well-suited for
A)large-scale agriculture.
B)military training.
In the traditional version of the overthrow of the Etruscan kings, Lucretia
A)incited her fellow Romans to rebel.
B)bore the child of Tarquin the Proud.
C)committed suicide after being raped.
D)killed her rapist, setting off a war between the Romans and the Etruscans.
The "Struggle of the Orders" was fueled by two main issues: protecting the poor from the abuses of the powerful, and
A)granting the wealthy plebeians some participation in government.
B)granting the wealthy patricians some participation in government.
C)allowing the patricians to continue to accumulate wealth.
D)establishing a political alternative to patrician government.
In 287 B.C.E., plebeians gained the power to ________ when the Tribal Assembly became the principal legislative body.
A)refuse military service
B)hold sacred and political offices
C)make laws that applied to everyone without Senate approval
D)establish their own temple
The largest group of clients were typically
A)freed slaves.
B)poets in need of money.
C)aristocratic youths.
D)small and tenant farmers.
The main motive behind Roman expansion was
A)their constant need for new slaves.
B)continual land hunger.
C)grain shortages.
D)the aggressions of their neighbors.
Women wielded some power in Roman society through
A)the authority they exerted over their sons.
B)their choice of spouses.
C)the exposure of female infants.
D)gaining their husbands' affections.
Romans disposed of their garbage
A)through a metropolitan collection service.
B)by dumping it outside city walls.
C)by forcing slaves to haul it to a field where it was buried.
D)in the sewers.
Whenever the consuls raised the red flag in the Forum,
A)Roman citizens rushed to a public meeting.
B)slaves were sent to protect the walls of the city.
C)free householders had to report to the capitol within thirty days.
D)women retreated into the households, while men formed troops.
Roman warfare differed from traditional Mediterranean warfare in which regard?
A)Roman soldiers vowed to fight to the death or until the war ended.
B)Roman soldiers only ate meat while at war.
C)There was no shame in returning home after a defeat.
D)Romans fought in a wild and informally organized style.
The first Punic War began over the issue of controlling
A)the city of Saguntum.
B)trade with Africa.
C)northern Italy.
D)the Sicilian city of Messana.
During the third Punic War,
A)Philip V of Macedonia came to Carthage's aid.
B)Macedonia assisted Roman naval efforts.
C)Scipio sailed to North Africa, forcing Hannibal home.
D)Hannibal defeated Scipio at the Battle of Zama in 202 B.C.E.
In the provinces, ________ appointed governors to preserve peace and administer justice to Roman citizens.
A)the Roman Senate
B)the Forum
C)Cato the Elder
D)private individuals
In the countryside, slaves worked in mining and agriculture, while in the city, slaves
A)were given only the most undesirable jobs.
B)often worked in the same occupations as citizens.
C)were not allowed to earn money.
D)were not allowed to work in higher-status jobs.
As small farms went bankrupt, the newly rich who bought up their lands
A)cultivated more lucrative crops like olives and wine grapes.
B)increased grain production.
C)employed the newly property-less people.
D)left many fields unplowed.
Engineers used ________ to regulate the rate of water flowing through the top channel of aqueducts.
B)concrete covered in stucco
C)Archimedes' ideas
D)Etruscan techniques of drainage
Julius Caesar used ________ to enhance his popularity in Rome.
A)comedies about all types of Romans
B)grain subsidies
C)enhancement of aristocratic privilege
D)accounts of military campaigns
In addition to controlling the price of grain in order to appease poorer Romans, Gaius also tried to appeal to ________ by granting them more influence in the wealthy provinces.
A)the Senate
B)landless Romans
C)the equestrian order
D)provincial governors
Besides putting his soldiers on a payroll, Marius also
A)promised them land for their service.
B)promised them government positions upon their return to Rome.
C)made land a requirement for being a soldier.
D)eliminated the patron-client relations between general and soldier.
Caesar tried to solve Rome's economic problems by reforming the grain dole, encouraging colonization, and
A)accepting the title of dictator.
B)establishing a public works program to create jobs.
C)defeating Pompey in Egypt.
D)placing his image on coins.
About 509 B.C.E., the Roman people rebelled against the Etruscan kings who had ruled over the Romans since about 616 B.C.E. The Romans defeated the Etruscan monarchy and instituted, in its place, a republic. This republic
A)believed that the responsibility of governing rested outside of the people.
B)was dominated by an aristocratic class.
C)did not have elected officials.
D)was the same as the Athenian polis.
In a typical well-to-do Roman household, childrearing featured many accepted practices. Which of the following traits characterized childrearing in the Roman world?
A)prohibition of girls from formal education
B)exposure of infants
C)low infant mortality
D)the absence of advanced learning
One of the most talented Roman playwrights was Terence (190-159 B.C.E.), who
A)wrote plays based on traditional Greek models.
B)received universal praise from his contemporaries.
C)was born into a powerful aristocratic family in Rome.
D)refused to write comedies.
Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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