The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 4: Pride in Family and City

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. The Rise of Rome, 753 – 265 B.C.E.

  1. What is the legend about the founding of Rome?

  2. Describe the geography of the Italian peninsula. How does it differ from the Aegean peninsula?

  3. In what ways did Etruscan civilization exert an influence on Romans?

  4. What is the legend explaining the overthrow of the Etruscan monarchy?

  5. What were the origins of the word "republic"?

  6. What were the causes and the outcome of the "Struggle of the Orders"?

  7. What roles did patrons play in Roman society? What roles did clients play?

  8. What motivated the Romans to expand? How did Romans deal with conquered peoples?

  1. Family Life and City Life

  1. What were the main features of Roman religiosity?

  2. What roles did women play in Roman society? How were marriages arranged?

  3. How did differences in the educations of boys and girls prepare them for what their roles would be as adults?

  4. Describe the conditions of urban life for the Roman rich. How did the conditions that the urban poor faced compare?

  5. What were the main social activities of Romans?

  1. Expansion and Transformation, 265 – 133 B.C.E.

  1. What were the main strengths of the Roman army?

  2. What was the life of a Roman soldier like?

  3. Describe the course of the Punic Wars. What was the outcome of each war?

  4. How were client states administered?

  5. How did the influx of slaves change Roman society?

  6. What were the social and economic consequences of the Punic Wars?

  7. How did expansion bring change to Roman society?

  1. The Hellenizing of the Republic

  1. What was Cato's reaction to the influence of Greek culture on Rome?

  2. What were Rome's major engineering achievements?

  3. What did the invention of concrete change in Roman architecture?

  4. Who were the major literary figures of the Roman Republic? What were the themes that most concerned them?

  1. The Twilight of the Republic, 133 – 44 B.C.E.

  1. What kinds of reforms did Tiberius institute? What happened when he proposed his agrarian law?

  2. What reforms did Gaius make? What was the legacy of his (and his brother's) careers?

  3. What changes did Marius make in the Roman army? What were the results of those changes?

  4. Describe the career of Sulla. How did the confrontation between Sulla and Marius lead to the First Triumvirate?

  5. What were the two major challenges facing Julius Caesar when he returned to Rome? How did he confront these challenges?

  6. What were the motives of the conspirators against Caesar?

Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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